If your home has just been repurposed as a tick Airbnb, don’t freak out – or give them a five-star rating on “Pestadvisor”. Nature can be a cruel landlord, and no one likes to live rent-free more than these little blood-suckers. How do they manage to invade your sacred turf, you ask? Well, strap in fellow tick haters, because we’re about to dive into the wide world of Tick-nology!
It’s Not You, It’s Your Pets
Don’t unleash your wrath on Fluffy quite yet, but pets often serve as fluffy express elevators for ticks searching for a homely environment. Ticks hitch rides on our four-legged friends who love roaming outdoors. When your pets come back inside, ticks grab the chance to set up shop in your home. But it’s not entirely your pet’s fault. After all, they don’t really have a say in the whole matter.
Those Sneaky Hitch-Hikers
Sometimes, your clothing serves as a free Uber ride for these tiny freeloaders. Ticks can cling to your clothing or skin when you pass through wooded or grassy areas. So, if you like hiking, golfing or simply rolling in the grass with laughter, do a tick-check later. Showering within two hours of coming indoors can wash away unattached ticks.
Your Garden, A Cozy Tick Resort
They love shady, moist bottomlands and don’t mind ‘gardening’ their way into your life. They hang out on the tips of grasses and shrubs, waiting for a suitable host to pass by. You can prevent this by maintaining a tidy yard. Regular mowing, raking leaves, stacking wood neatly, and keeping playground equipment away from trees might just save you from a tick predicament. Myth or not, the “Tick Hotel” doesn’t sound like a five-star experience, does it?
Why, Oh Why, Would Ticks Invade Your Home?
Why wouldn’t they? It’s warm, cozy, filled with delicious food (or so they think - they have yet to discover pizza) and offers great hiding spots. Ticks lurk in nooks and crannies until they find a suitable host. They are Mother Nature’s vampires, thriving on blood meals for survival. A tick moving in means you and your pets become unwilling roommates and meal tickets in one go!
You never invited ticks in, but as with the worst uninvited guests, they stay way longer than your overly chatty aunt at Christmas. Maybe you’d like to consider throwing them a ‘goodbye forever’ party. While Pest Me Off pest control company can’t promise to banish your tick problem forever, they sure can give these tiny vampires quite the scare.